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6 Common Problems People Face When Trying to Stick with Their Workouts

It is really difficult for people to keep up with their workout routines. They might have a lot of reasons for not sticking to their workouts, like lack of time, lack of motivation, or simply feeling too tired. In this article, we are going to explore six common problems people face when trying to stick with their workout routines and how they can solve them.

1. Lack Of Time

If you are too busy and you don’t have enough time for your workouts then the best thing that you can do is plan your day ahead and organize your work schedule accordingly. Make sure that you don’t overbook yourself with work so that you can make time for your workouts. You can also find a workout buddy who will motivate each other and help each other out in sticking with their routines.

2. Lack Of Motivation

One way to improve your motivation is to find an overall goal for yourself. For example, if you want to build muscle mass or lose weight then you can set a specific time frame for these goals, like in six months time or one year time. It will be easier for you to stick with your workouts because when the six month time frame ends you will already be done with your goals.

3. Lack Of Plan That Fits Their Lifestyle

 The problem is not that people don’t have a plan, it’s that they have the wrong plan. Most of the time, people don’t know what their true priorities are and so they end up accumulating wealth for a retirement that has no meaning for them. The best way to figure out your priorities is to explore what you love.

4. They Don’t Know How To Exercise

One of the biggest challenges for people when it comes to exercising is that they don’t know what exercises to do. Many people get tired of their workouts and quit because they don’t know how to keep them fresh. This article will explore different ways that people can keep their workout fresh and exciting.

5. They Feel Like They’re Not Getting Any Results From Their Workouts

A study has found that people who exercise are more likely to feel like they’re making progress in their goals. People who work out tend to see the small changes that happen on a daily basis and feel satisfied with their efforts.

However, a lot of people feel that they are not making any progress and that can be discouraging. The number one reason that people don’t get results from their workouts is because they’re not working out the right way. The key to a successful workout plan is to exercise all of the body’s different muscle groups and give them adequate recovery time so they can grow.

6. They Can’t Afford a Gym Membership

Many people don’t have the money to afford a gym membership and follow through with their fitness goals. Perhaps, they believe that is only way to keep the motivation in high gears or they may not be aware that there are other ways for them to get their exercise for free. These alternatives include going for a brisk walk around the block or taking a jog in the park.


As easy as it is to find obstacles to stick with our workout and fitness goals, we need to keep pushing forward to face them head on to  overcome them. The rewards are worth it.


  • William Clark
    Posted June 7, 2019 at 11:29 am

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    • Shery Turner
      Posted June 7, 2019 at 11:38 am

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      • Set Mitchell
        Posted June 7, 2019 at 11:42 am

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  • Dorothy Finley
    Posted June 7, 2019 at 11:57 am

    Morbi eget ligula gravida, pulvinar magna eget, eleifend. Proin massa tortor, are sit amet commodo et, eleifend vel odio. Integer porta orci ornare metus.


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